Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Blog as Classroom Tool

One of my earliest and most successful forays into using educational technology was Mr. Barber's Language Arts Classroom, the blog I created for my language arts classes. When I started the blog back in 2008, I was looking for a way to communicate with students and parents, record the content objectives, essential questions, and day-to-day activities of the students, and, importantly, provide for myself a place for reflection on the outcomes of lessons. I was afraid it would be something that could be easily begun but hard to faithfully maintain; however, I found that once I got into the routine, I looked forward to the daily posting. I promoted it to my peers, and the concept was nominated for a Bright Ideas award, a recognition from my school system for classroom practices and ideas with educational merit.


  1. Barry,

    I love blogging! I have my own personal blog that, I too, started and thought would be hard to "faithfully maintain." Surpringly, it wasn't at all and I think that is because what I talked about (baking and sewing) was something I am very passionate about. I love 21st century technology and I am really looking forward to reading everyone's blog.

    I love your wordle too! Is this one that you did with your class?

    Congrats on your Bright Ideas award!! :)

  2. Blogs are a great way to create a dialogue between educators, parents, and students. 21st Century learning is all about collaboration and community - knocking down the classroom walls and bringing the discussion and learning into "the real world". And congratulations on the Bright Ideas Award!
