Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today is the Day

It's always trouble that makes you strong
Today is the day, today is the day
Today is the Day – Yo La Tengo

There are several reasons why this refrain from Yo La Tengo’s Today is the Day is appropriate for online learning and why it keeps running through the background music in my mind. One, if a student in distance education wants to stay caught up, there’s really no time to wait: there’s an assignment to do, and today is the day. Another reason is that today is the day could be a slogan for educators contemplating/integrating educational technology in their classrooms. Depending on the comfort level of the teacher, it could either mean today is the day to just try it or today is the day to do it differently or better. Finally, today is the day means exactly that: today is the day: technology integration is happening, not in the future, not even tomorrow, but right now – today is the day.

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